The OPTIFLUX 6000 electromagnetic flow sensor is specifically designed to stay clean and sterile in compliance with the most stringent demands prevailing in the food & beverages and pharmaceutical industries.
There are no crevices, gaps or blind spots and the flow sensor offers full CIP/SIP possibilities. The flow sensor is conform FDA regulations for all wetted materials and is certified in accordance with EHEDG and 3A.
The OPTIFLUX 6000 provides simple engineering, installation and commissioning. The flowmeter is available as a separate or compact version. Therefore the flow sensor can be installed in places difficult to access due to for example high temperatures or vibrations. The converter is also available in a stainless steel housing for applications when for example regular cleaning procedures with aggressive cleaning agents, may attack a standard polyurethane coating.
In addition to weld-end connections, the OPTIFLUX 6000 offers a large number of other hygienic connections, including DIN 11851, DIN 11864, clamp and SMS. Because of its high accuracy, a precise measurement of the medium is possible enabling an accurate calculation of flows whether it is required for blending, dosing or batching. Furthermore, losses can be reduced to a minimum. It remains its accuracy in case of pulsating flows. And also when a medium has a low conductivity for example in case of glucose or fruit concentrates, the OPTIFLUX 6000 delivers an optimal performance.
Due to its reinforced liner the OPTIFLUX 6000 is an optimal solution for applications where high temperatures or vacuum impacts can occur. The OPTIFLUX 6000 hygienic construction is also available for larger diameters up to DN150 as volumes are increasing, and larger pipe sizes are needed with fast increase in the industrial production of beer, wine, milk and other beverages.